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2518 N Main Ave.
San Antonio, Texas 78212



Andrea Almond

I have had a keen love of art my whole life. At an early age I was influenced by my father’s interest in oil painting, and it was he who exposed my siblings and I to the idea of a life centered around artistic expression. I'm a native Texan, and it was while living in Dallas and working in the corporate world that I began selling my art in galleries. I have painted full time since moving with my husband, Jeff Sibley, to San Antonio in 2012.

In addition to earning a bachelor's degree in Fine Art, I’ve studied with numerous artists who have been a great source of knowledge and inspiration- artists such as Kim English and Calvin Laing. I find painting outdoors ("plein air") to be particularly compelling, and I have been fortunate enough to do so in locations as varied as Venice, Paris, San Miguel, and Big Bend. In recent years I have spent more time in studio, where I have developed my individual "style," which combines the Impressionist and Abstract. Painting in studio allows me to paint larger pieces and take my time to complete my vision.

In my painting, it is the quality of light- natural or artifical- that brings excitement to a work and allows me to take what I see and make it my own. Using observation, reference photos, and drawings I process an idea by analyzing it in terms of abstract shapes, light, and shadow, changing the emphasis on the various elements in order to express my own vision. My goal is to convey something specific about my reaction to a place or a moment in time yet to express the "essence" of my subject, allowing the viewer to supply their own interpretation.


    A R T W O R K S

River Dream
Andrea Almond
20 x 20    Oil on canvas

Broken Boundaries
Andrea Almond
18 x 14    Oil on linen

Saturday Sessions
Andrea Almond
18 x 14    Oil on linen

Morning Clouds
Andrea Almond
20 x 20    Oil on canvas

Near the Pearl
Andrea Almond
12 x 12    Oil on canvas

Road to Fredericksburg
Andrea Almond
12 x 12    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
14 x 11    Oil on linen

Wednesday Spell
Andrea Almond
14 x 11    Oil on linen

Andrea Almond
24 x 24    Oil on canvas

Mid Summer
Andrea Almond
20 x 20    Oil on canvas

Truly Madly Deeply
Andrea Almond
28 x 22    Oil on linen

Leaving A Trace
Andrea Almond
20 x 20    Oil on canvas

Faded Glory
Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on linen

Fade In/Fade Out
Andrea Almond
40 x 30    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
36 x 24    Oil on canvas

Sunlight & Shadow
Andrea Almond
30 x 24    Oil on linen

Winter Morning
Andrea Almond
30 x 30    Oil on canvas

Sunrise View
Andrea Almond
36 x 36    Oil on canvas

Two Trees Plus Pink
Andrea Almond
24 x 24    Oil on canvas

Mood Indigo
Andrea Almond
28 x 22    Oil on linen

Lavender Haze
Andrea Almond
28 x 22    Oil on linen

Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on linen panel

Show & Tell
Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on linen

Shadows & Stems
Andrea Almond
20 x 20    Oil on linen

Awash in Light
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Casting Shadows
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Last Two
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Lush Life
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Melding Together
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

La Villita
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on panel, plein air

Shifting Light
Andrea Almond
10 x 10    Oil on panel, plein air

Brackenridge Park Creek
Andrea Almond
8 x 10    Oil on panel, plein air

Creek Study
Andrea Almond
6 x 8    Oil on panel, plein air

Blue Water
Andrea Almond
12 x 12    Oil on canvas

Brackenridge Park
Andrea Almond
18 x 24    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
28 x 22    Oil on canvas

Farmer's Market
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on canvas

Fall Morning
Andrea Almond
16 x 20    Oil on canvas

Footpath in Autumn
Andrea Almond
18 x 24    Oil on canvas

Light Filtering Through Trees
Andrea Almond
30 x 30    Oil on canvas

New Territory
Andrea Almond
28 x 22    Oil on canvas

Purple Haze
Andrea Almond
16 x 16    Oil on canvas

Golden Glow
Andrea Almond
24 x 24    Oil on canvas

San Miguel Alley
Andrea Almond
8 x 8    Oil on canvas

South Town Side Street
Andrea Almond
10 x 10    Oil on canvas


    S O L D    W O R K S

Andrea Almond
16 x 16    Oil on canvas

Lemon & Crimson
Andrea Almond
16 x 12    Oil on linen panel

Still Life with Apple
Andrea Almond
16 x 12    Oil on linen panel

Jump In
Andrea Almond
18 x 14    Oil on linen

Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on canvas

Supporting Players
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Claremont Street
Andrea Almond
12 x 12    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
24 x 20    Oil on canvas

Mission San Jose
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on panel, plein air

Lush Life II
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Downtown at Dusk
Andrea Almond
12 x 12    Oil on canvas

Seek and Hide
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Light and Shadow
Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Sunset Sky
Andrea Almond
24 x 24    Oil on canvas

Andrea Almond
10 x 8    Oil on paper

Rainy Day Downtown
Andrea Almond
11.5 x 7.5    Oil on canvas

September Sky
Andrea Almond
24 x 24    Oil on canvas